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Mozambique - Setup of an orthopedic workshop in Maputo
In 2019, SwissLimbs began the setup of an orthopedic workshop in the Obra Dom Orione Institute in Maputo, which cares for children with spasticity and severe motor and brain impairment.
As of 2019, SwissLimbs began the setting up of an orthopedic workshop at the Obra Dom Orione Institute in Maputo, which can now guarantee a comprehensive service for all kinds of rehabilitation needs, especially to donate missing limbs or correct severe spasticity to children with congenital diseases.

The project was created to overcome the serious problem of a shortage of physical rehabilitation services in Mozambique. In fact, the governmental health care system still remains very lacking (although it has benefited from a large margin of improvement over the years), especially with regard to physical rehabilitation, which is not considered a matter of life and death that is therefore worth implementing. Thus, there remains a huge gap in the rehabilitation sector, as, for example, it is almost impossible to find private orthopedic technicians throughout Mozambique, and the few that do exist have limited training, as there are no orthopedic schools throughout the country.

The aforementioned SwissLimbs’ project aims to achieve self-sustainability of the workshop with a cost-sharing program for patients who are able to contribute to the full or partial costs for those who do not have the financial means.

In August 2021, the SwissLimbs team, in the presence of the director of the Maputo Central Hospital, Dr. Teresa Tiago, and the director of the Obra Dom Orione Institute, Father Denis, officially inaugurated the orthopedic workshop. It was also an opportunity to conduct the first training in the new workshop: during this mission, 14 orthopedic technicians were trained and the mobility of 10 patients was restored.
Project title
Setup of an orthopedic workshop in Maputo

Project start

Kammea Association
Swiss Family Foundation

Thematic sector
Orthopedic rehabilitation
Orthopedic training

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