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Tanzania - The Desire Charitable Hospital and Rehabilitation Center
The DCHRC is the first hospital entirely built by SwissLimbs. The hospital offers modern and innovative care services, is solar-powered and its services are free or subsidized for 30% of patients.
With a population of 57 million, there are over 300,000 people living in Tanzania who require orthopedic services and need rehabilitation equipment, assistive devices and wheelchairs. Normally, these types of services are reserved for a very privileged elite. In fact, there are currently only 289 hospitals in Tanzania, one for every 211,895 people (compared to Switzerland with 281 hospitals, one for 27,960 people).

The Desire Charitable Hospital and Rehabilitation Center (DCHRC) was built to address this lack of health and orthopedic infrastructure and medical personnel in Tanzania.

The hospital offers modern and innovative rehabilitation services including two operating rooms, a medical laboratory, an orthopedic workshop, physical therapy, a training center and 26 beds. The hospital is powered by solar energy. Its services are free or subsidized for patients who cannot afford to pay, which will account for at least 30 percent of the total, while those who can afford it or have insurance will cover their cost.

The project addresses the needs of 28,985 direct beneficiaries and approximately 115,832 indirect beneficiaries in its first 5 years of operation.

Learn more about the Desire Charitable Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre: http://www.desirehospital.co.tz/
Project title
The Desire Charitable Hospital and Rehabilitation Center

Project start

Swiss Family Foundation, Kammea Association, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Medicor Foundation, Däster Schild Stiftung, J&K Wonderland Foundation and donations

Thematic sector
Orthopedic rehabilitation

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