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"I was abducted by the LRA* when I was 12: I was rescued when the government forces bombed our camp blowing my leg away." Sunday, 32 years old from Te-Aceng, Uganda
Sunday Odong is 32 years old from Te-Aceng, North Region of Uganda.

“The LRA (Lord's Resistance Army) took us, imprisoned us in their bush-camps and made us do unspeakable things. One day the UPDF (Ugandan Peoples Defense Force) attacked the camp where we were hiding, killing and maiming many of us and along with other civilians.
The LRA fled, leaving the dead and injured behind. I was taken to the Lacor Hospital in Gulu where they were able to save my life but could not save my leg. My injuries were so severe that I stayed in hospital for 2 years while they patched me up everywhere.

At age 21 I was brought to a rehabilitation center for ex-child soldiers where they helped me deal with the severe war trauma I went through; the memories were just too painful and I stayed there for 8 months.

A wonderful lady from AVSI, Joyce Laker, saw me there and spoke to me about the possibility of receiving a leg from the Gulu Orthopedic workshop. She helped me get my very first leg and I was just so happy when I realized I could walk again. The leg helped me get out of my helpless state and allowed me enough independence to do some farming work. This way I am able to earn enough money to support my family.

It wasn’t easy going back to my own village. There was so much stigma around my physical and psychological condition. My own family rejected me thinking of me too damaged in my mind and body to be good for anything.
Still, I continued to live there and gradually worked my way into the community again. Today I am very blessed with a wife and my 2 ½ year old boy. This year I have been so privileged to be chosen to receive this new leg with a new very fancy knee. It’s so amazing! The leg is light, comfortable and the knee so smooth to walk, sit, climb stairs and it’s waterproof.
I am very thankful to the SwissLimbs and AVSI teams for their gift and the wonderful way with which the technicians took care of me."

He received new SwissLimbs Trans-Femoral Prostheses with the innovative All-Terrain knee, in May 6th, 2017
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