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"A wheelchair changed her life', Esther Woro, 13-year-old South Sudanese resident of the Bidibidi camp in Uganda
Esther Woro, a 13-year-old girl from South Sudan, is currently living in Bidibidi refugee camp in Uganda.
She is the last of seven children and was born healthy: when she was three years old she unfortunately contracted meningitis, a disease that caused her severe neurological side effects.
Until a year ago, she couldn't even walk, but then Hope Health Action - SwissLimbs' partner in Uganda - donated a wheelchair so that her mother could accompany her every day to a nearby camp to train and walk.Good, regular physiotherapy will help her to improve further. To support Esther and the many other people with disabilities who live in the camp, SwissLimbs plans to set up a new rehabilitation centre right in the heart of Bidibidi.
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